Monday, April 27, 2009

Cooperative Learning and Mathematical Problem Solving (By Woo Ching Nee)


In Professor A Takanhanshi’s lesson video, it is observed that he makes use of cooperative learning as one of his teaching strategies. He encouraged students to work in pairs or group when solving the puzzle. He did not present his own work to the students but instead he used students’ work to help them bounce off and generate more ideas from each other. Professor Tankanhanshi gave sole ownership of discovering to the students while he acts a facilitator in their thinking process. From the video, cooperative learning seems to be effective as the students were all engaged and they are making good progress with the problem. According to Vygotsky’s theory, students are able to solve problems cooperatively before they are ready to solve the same problems on their own. Researches have also found that cooperative learning is beneficial towards problem solving (Dees, 1991) and helps to improve higher-level thinking. These probes me into thinking of the role cooperative learning plays in mathematical problem solving.

Research Proposal

In response to the above, I proposed the following research question:

In what ways does cooperative learning enhance students’ problem solving ability?

Possible Research Method: Lesson Observations and Interviews

Observations are to be made of several teachers conducting cooperative learning in a problem solving classroom. The teachers conducting the class must be proficient in cooperative learning strategies. Videos, audios and transcripts are various means to record the lesson and student-work artifacts are also used in the analysis. Interviews are also conducted to capture teachers’ and students’ inputs about the lessons. The data collected are then coded and analyzed to observe patterns that led to students’ development of problem solving skills.

Research Potential

Cooperative learning is in line with Singapore educational initiative of ‘teach less, learn more’ where the students becomes critical an independent thinkers. A better understanding of how cooperative learning enhances problem solving helps teachers to
design more appropriate learning activities
acquire the necessary skills

How does blog promote research in Mathematical problem solving?

In this era where things are highly wired, blog allows us to obtain information with ease in our own comfort zone. Blog allows sharing of information without revealing one’s identity. Thus it is useful in obtaining sensitive data. Blog also help us to communicate to each other at real times and thus can facilitate as a tool for learning circle without the restriction of time and place.


Dees, R.L. (1991). The Role of Cooperative Learning in Increasing Problem-Solving Ability in a College Remedial Course. Journal of Research in Mathematics Education, vol. 22 (pp. 409-421).


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